¿Sabes qué? Las 4 P’s del marketing están muertas. Sí, lo dije. Esa fórmula mágica que nos enseñaron en la universidad y que muchos han estado aplicando religiosamente durante años ya no sirve en el mundo digital actual. Y si le dices eso a tu profesor de Marketing, probablemente convulsione un poco. Como experta enContinue reading “Olvídate de Todo lo que Sabes Sobre Marketing. Las 4 P del Marketing Están Muertas.”
Author Archives: Stephany Highgrace
Los 12 Procesos Empresariales que Todo Solopreneur Debe Dominar para Evitar Fracasos
Hace casi 10 años, estaba en plena transición de hacer trabajos puntuales a buscar proyectos más grandes, como colocar publicidad, redactar artículos SEO y gestionar redes sociales. Una mañana, al revisar mi correo como de costumbre, me encontré con un mensaje increíble de un cliente al que le había propuesto un contrato de un año.Continue reading “Los 12 Procesos Empresariales que Todo Solopreneur Debe Dominar para Evitar Fracasos”
How Thought Leadership is Redefining Business
“The terms ‘Thought Leadership’ have become so worn out that they seem like the toilet paper of business terminology. However, it’s easy to stray from the point when the term was coined to describe people ‘who had ideas that deserved attention.’ Quite romantic, isn’t it? Joel Kurtzman, way back in the Paleolithic era of 1994,Continue reading “How Thought Leadership is Redefining Business”
How to Boost Your Digital Presence in 15 Minutes for Free?
I understand your skepticism. You might think this is just another gimmick to grab your attention or a convoluted strategy that will end up consuming the little free time you have. The idea of something easy, quick, and free that delivers such a positive outcome for your business sounds too good to be true. ButContinue reading “How to Boost Your Digital Presence in 15 Minutes for Free?”
How to Successfully Fail Your Business in Five Steps
Now that I run a company, I find myself thinking about how to do this properly, especially with my people. It’s easy to boast about our awesome culture and how we as leaders plan strategies for a healthy work environment. Today, I can’t help but think about experiences in old jobs. Particularly, today, my focusContinue reading “How to Successfully Fail Your Business in Five Steps”
5 Unexpected Factors That Could Impact Your Marketing Strategy
Eye-Opening Marketing Secrets Embedded in Everyone, Especially Your Customers To build a successful business, it’s essential to understand what motivates people. In 1943, Maslow proposed a theory to understand human behavior. Although you know it is like the back of your hand, this is the basis of the entire article, so let’s review: Almost allContinue reading “5 Unexpected Factors That Could Impact Your Marketing Strategy”
6 Essential Marketing Truths for Successful Business Owners
For me, writing this article is more than a necessity; it’s a mission. If you’re running your own show, you’ve likely figured out that marketing is essential, not just an extra. But beyond those shiny Instagram ads and eye-catching graphics, there are some critical truths, often missed, that are key to your success (and oursContinue reading “6 Essential Marketing Truths for Successful Business Owners”
¿Por qué los empresarios desconfían tanto de las agencias de marketing?
En mi trayectoria como estratega en marketing digital, he notado que los dueños de negocios cada vez confían menos en las agencias de marketing. Esta falta de confianza surge por diversas razones, que van desde malas experiencias previas hasta un entendimiento limitado sobre el verdadero potencial del marketing para impulsar sus negocios. Quisiera abordar esteContinue reading “¿Por qué los empresarios desconfían tanto de las agencias de marketing?”
3 Podcast de los Que He aprendido Más Que En Cualquier Curso
Vamos a ser sinceros, si no es una serie de Netflix o alguna noticia bomba, difícilmente me verán pegada a un video. Y eso que no es por falta de intentos, ¿eh? He pasado por decenas de cursos online y he tenido que ver muchos tutoriales. Y sí, no te diré que no he aprendidoContinue reading “3 Podcast de los Que He aprendido Más Que En Cualquier Curso”
13 Things Your Clients Wish You Knew About Digital Marketing
You know, it’s pretty standard to stumble upon articles preaching what clients should get about what you do for their business in the digital universe. We’re always demanding them to hop on the marketing train and dial down their sometimes wild requests. I’ve been guilty of this too, even writing about how their company canContinue reading “13 Things Your Clients Wish You Knew About Digital Marketing”